Webinar Invitation – Transfer Pricing Litigations and Controversies in Asia Pacific

Rising inflation. Government deficits. Contraction in GDP. – All are contributing factors to an era of governments exploring more grounds for a “fairer” share of global tax revenue.

In this webinar, we examine with our Asia Pacific practitioners their cases on two common Transfer Pricing controversy issues – (1) in-country distribution activities; and (2) service provision.

Our experts around the region will share with you a few case studies and their views on how to take a controversial case forward.

This month’s topic is highly relevant to C-suite executives and Finance and Tax professionals with interests or responsibilities in Asia and globally.

Kindly find the webinar’s time zone as below:

Thursday, 7 April 2022

15:00-16:30 (Singapore/Malaysia/China)

18:00-19:30 (Australia)

14:00-15:30 (Indonesia/Vietnam)

16:00-17:30 (South Korea)

11:00-12:30 (UAE)

For joining the webinar, please register here

For detailed information, please see: Transfer Pricing Litigations and Controversies in Asia Pacific


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