Vietnam: Goods labeling
Decree 111/2021/NF-CP on goods labeling came into effect on 15 February 2022 and has eliminated some uncertainties. Three situations are discussed below.
1. Import into Vietnam
For import into Vietnam, the goods labeling must include the information on the name and the origin of the goods and the name or abbreviation of the organisation or individual that produces or is responsible for such goods in the exporting country. The label can be in any language.
2. Distribution in Vietnam
For distribution of the goods in Vietnam, the label must be in Vietnamese and must include the information on the name and the origin of the goods and the name and address of the organisation or individual responsible for the goods. The full name and address may be included in the documents attached to the goods if they are not on the label. Depending on the type of goods, additional information is required. For example, genetically modified food must be labeled including the following information: quantity, date of manufacture, expiry date, ingredients or ingredient quantities, warnings, and the words: “genetically modified food” or “genetically modified” beside the name of the genetically modified ingredients and their content. This label can be attached to the goods after importation.
3. Export from Vietnam
For export from Vietnam, the label must comply with the requirements of the country to which the goods are exported.
The label content must not show any picture or information relating to sovereignty disputes or other sensitive content that might affect the security, politics, economy, society, diplomatic relations, and traditions of Vietnam.
If the goods’ origin cannot be identified, then the label must present the place where the final processing step has been undertaken such as: “assembled at”, “bottled at”, “mixed at”, “completed at”, “packed at”, “labeled at”.
Pursuant to Decree 128/2020/ND-CP on the penalties for administrative violations in the customs sector, besides the monetary fine, the remedial measure of requesting the enterprise to re-export the goods out of Vietnam might be enforced for imported goods that do not satisfy the required information on the label.
Goods with labels complying with the old regulations that have been manufactured, imported, or circulated in Vietnam before 15 February 2022 can be distributed until the expiry date indicated on the label.
For the latest global customs insights from all over the world, please see: Global Customs Newsletter #2/2022