WTS Transfer Pricing Newsletter #1 2020

Update on the recent news and cases in 14 countries as well as an OECD update on Pillar 1

WTS Transfer Pricing Newsletter provides you with an update on the recent news and cases in the field of
transfer pricing in 14 countries as well as an OECD update on Pillar 1.

  • Argentina: Argentine Transfer Pricing News – 2020 First Trimester
  • Austria: Implementation of the EU Directive on Tax Dispute Resolution Mechanisms
  • Belgium: Belgian Tax Administration (BTA) published final version of the circular letter “Transfer Pricing”
  • Brazil: Dialogue Between Brazil and OECD on the Alignment of Brazilian Transfer Pricing Rules with the OECD Standard
  • Germany: I/C Financial Transaction and Transfer Pricing: Final OECD Guidance and Germany’s Bilateral Position
  • Italy: Arm’s Length Range – Recent Case Laws
  • OECD: Pillar One – Not Only the Taxation of Digital Business Models is Under Discussion!
  • Poland: New Transfer Pricing Reporting Obligations
  • Romania: Transfer Pricing update for Romania
  • Senegal: The New Regulation Provided by Law no. 2018-10 Amending the Senegalese Tax Law on Transfer Pricing
  • Republic of Serbia: Transfer Pricing Treatment of Purchasing Fixed Assets
  • Thailand: Transfer Pricing update for Thailand
  • Turkey: Legislative Works with Regard to BEPS Action 13 are Completed via Presidential Decree No: 2151
  • Ukraine: Ukrainian Parliament Implements Three-Tier Approach to TP Documentation and Other Important Changes to the Tax Code
  • Vietnam: Advance Pricing Agreements gaining importance

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