Global Customs Newsletter #1/2022

Dear reader,

These days it is more than difficult to focus on other things than the horrible developments in Ukraine. We all hope of course that the suffering and the military action will end soon.

In the wake of these developments, topics closely linked with customs are now influencing companies ́ daily business more than Covid-19 – the global sanctions that have been declared against Russia and Belarus, their leaders and many other people from there have an immediate effect on the supply chain. Questions like the following need to be answered almost every day:

  • is it allowed to send the respective goods to countries/regions affected by the sanctions?
  • are the ultimate customers listed?→how can payment be organised?
  • will we find someone to transport the goods? and
  • is it morally acceptable to have economic relationships with the sanctioned countries?

Nevertheless, in this newsletter we have compiled a huge variety of the latest global customs developments for you. These articles cover the whole world and the whole range of customs issues.

We do hope that the content is interesting for you and that we can again – as in our previous editions – meet your expectations.

Enjoy reading the newsletter and stay safe!

For the full Newsletter, please see  WTS Global Customs Newsletter #1/2022.

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