How the abolition of the corporate tax advance top-up obligation affects the support of spectator team sports


Large-scale allocations still possible at the end of this year After many years of “struggle”, the Hungarian tax consultancy profession – with WTS Klient Hungary at the helm – managed to convince the government to abolish the meaningless system surrounding the corporate tax advance top-up obligation. So we can rightly say that this was the biggest achievement of the 2019 summer tax law amendments. What does the abolition of the corporate tax advance top-up obligation mean for companies supporting spectator team sports? The abolition of the corporate tax advance top-up obligation in Hungary has a significant influence on the support of spectator [...]

OECD Proposal for a new tax order – Compiled comments on Pillar II


OECD Proposal for a new tax order - Compiled comments on Pillar II Pillar Two takes a massive step forward beyond addressing Digital Taxation and proposes a global minimum effective tax regime comprising of four components – income inclusion rule, undertaxed payments rule, switch-over rule and subject to tax rule. Do the proposals represent a new inclusive global grand bargain that will finally stem the tide of unilateral actions in our uncertain world? WTS Global takes you deep into Pillar Two with insights and analysis from our experts and you decide for yourself! See our submission to the OECD here. Thanks [...]

Verification of intra-community supplies


Significant changes in VAT regulations on intra-community transactions from 2020 Affected companies and professionals should prepare in time for the changes impacting on intra-community transactions, more precisely, for changes affecting proof of intra-community supplies. This is because from 2020 the European Union will be introducing standard forms to prove tax exemption. The changes are closely connected to the VAT quick fixes, which will be a part of Hungarian legislation from 2020. So you could rightfully ask whether a signed CMR document (international waybill) is in itself not enough to apply for the zero tax rate? Implementing Regulation of VAT Directive amended The new [...]

Switzerland: New WTS Global member in Switzerland for Transfer Pricing Services


VTC Services completes the Total Tax Offering by Wenger + Vieli with Value Chain, Transfer Pricing and Tax Valuation Services The fairly new company VTC Services is to complete the strong WTS Global Swiss presence by Wenger + Vieli with specialized consulting and compliance services for any international businesses’ related Value chain, Transfer pricing and Tax Valuation matters! Whether a small or middle size enterprise or a large multinational, VTS Services understand its needs while listening carefully what a company needs and aims for along with its day-to-day or only once in a while happening international cross-border transactions! Having only been [...]

Contractual terms of M&As in Belarus


In the previous articles of our three-part series about M&As in Belarus we described the economic and political framework, the specifics of the transaction process and the main transaction structures on the Belarusian M&A market. This last part focuses on the contractual terms of M&As in Belarus. The content of agreements for M&As in Belarus can vary markedly depending on significance of the transaction and the sophistication of the parties. For a small-scale transaction between local parties, the acquisition agreement might fit on 3-4 pages and provide information about the disposed share, purchase price, payment terms, and several additional provisions. At the same time, it is not [...]

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