Asia Pacific COVID-19 webinar on Asian Supply Chains (29 May 2020)

Asia Pacific COVID-19 webinars on Asian Supply Chains

Asian businesses are vulnerable to the impact of COVID-19, the extent of which remains uncharted. Critical areas of
concern include transfer pricing and supply chains as business risks continue to arise from evolving disruptions, tax
compliance demands and fiscal stimulus measures.

WTS Global and our member Tax firms in Asia Pacific are pleased to bring two you new webinar in May in our ongoing
series of COVID-19-related Tax events. This month’s Asian Supply Chain topics is highly relevant to C-suite executives
and Finance and Tax professionals with interests or responsibilities in Asia and globally.

China’s Responses to COVID-19 and the Implications for Asian Supply Chains

COVID-19 has highlighted the vulnerabilities of highly integrated global supply chains. In this webinar, the panellists will
discuss key lessons from the pandemic and trends affecting Asian supply chains to guide client companies in reassessing
the need for greater resilience in their trade and supply chain systems. They will also highlight China’s responses to retain
its key position in regional and global supply chains and other Asian country responses to play a more prominent role. The
panellists will also discuss critical factors that companies will need to consider as they restructure their supply chains in Asia.

For webinar detail information, please click here

To register for our webinar, please click here. Places are limited.

Follow our regularly updated COVID-19 updates for over 50 jurisdictions worldwide here.

WTS Vietnam (on behalf of WTS Global)

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