News on trade and customs developments from all over the world

We have finalised the second edition of our Global Customs Newsletter. The articles you will find are from all over the world and reflect the typical issues that we see discussed internationally.

In Brazil, measures have been taken to further simplify customs and tax handling by reducing bureaucracy. At the same time, steps have been taken to combat fraud. Both are developments that we see in a number of various countries in the world; they are also a result of COVID-19. Digitisation is constantly developing and there is a will to facilitate matters. You will also read this in both articles from our colleague Paolo Dragone from Italy.

Brexit remains an issue. The significance of this for Portugal is reported by our colleagues from VdA

Recent changes in China are also covered. From the different aspects mentioned in the article, I would like to particularly draw your attention to the E-clearance option for Dual-Use Goods.

Free Trade Agreements have a long history. More and more FTAs are entered into around the globe. One of the recent FTAs reached was the one between Vietnam and the EU. Our colleagues from WTS Vietnam explain in their article how it was implemented in Vietnam.

When it comes to compliance standards in the field of customs, programmes like the AEO are frequently applied. Recent developments in Ukraine in this regard are explained by my colleague Ivan Shynkarenko.

Our colleagues from Turanzas in Mexico have sent us three articles for this edition. While reporting on new complexities in connection with the classification of goods and the US-Mexico-Canada-Agreement (USMCA), there is also very interesting news about a new Free Zone in Chetumal which offers duty exemptions for production in that zone.

As you, dear readers, can see, customs is high on the agenda in many countries of the world. It is inevitable for companies to try to keep an overview of global developments. We hope that our newsletter assists you in your efforts.

Read the WTS Global Customs Newsletter here.

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